Contributions to Sage

Interfaces with third-party softwares

Mixed Integer Linear Program in Sage
#6869 #7270 #7561 #7637 #7740 #7775 #7804 #7789 #7311 #7805 #8364 #10043 #10150 #10151 #10341
Cliquer (Maximum Clique) #5793 #6355 #6748 #9766
Modular Decomposition #9111
MCQD #16083

Graph methods

Graph.merge_vertices#7159renaming predecessor/successor to neighbors_out/in#7157
Counting spanning trees#7184Average distance, Wiener Index, Szeged index#7314
Strong orientations of 2-connected graphs#7358Eulerian orientation of a graph#7364
Petersen's 2-factor theorem#7365shortest_path should not use NetworkX#7640
implement Dijkstra's algorithm for C graphs#7673Max Vertex/Edge disjoint st-paths#7292
BFS/DFS and basic connectivity for c_graphs#7724Inconsistency in block_and_cut_vertices#7853
strongly_connected_components in c_graphs#7671speed up edge_connectivity in easy cases#7854
Giving some punch to distance computations#7966Gomory-Hu Trees#7288
induced subgraph search#8922Subdivide edges in a graph#7378
Interval Graphs : recognition#7563is_gallai_tree#7904
Overfull graph (and a bug in edge_coloring)#8781is_triangle_free#8927
some shortcuts for "is_H-free" tests#9059Recognition of split graphs#9195
Perfect graph recognition algorithm#8953Computing the k-core of a graph#9058
Slightly improving is_forest#9422is_line_graph() method#10101
Update is_chordal to return certificates#7662bounded outdegree orientation#9546
Floyd-Warshall algorithm in Cython#10885shortest path all pairs through BFS computations.#10905
random_vertex and random_edge functions#7569Expose max_weight_matching from NetworkX#8166
Python max flow method#9350SubgraphSearch class instead of a method, digraphs fixed#9420
is_directed_acyclic is Cython+certificates#10432improving shortest path all pairs through BFS computations#11053
Expose weight options in distance method#10954Vertex separation and pathwidth in Sage#11994
Some distance computations remained slow#12052Slow computation of strongly connected components#12235
Static sparse graphs for fast low-level computations#12306Computation of rank-decompositions in Sage#11754
DegreeSequences class !#11584ISGCI in Sage#11880
Inconcistencies in the doc of TSP#12944Recognition of Comparability/Permutation graphs#12874
Speedup in strongly_connected_components#12933is_cartesian_product#12917
is_strongly_regular#13067Export a graph to a dictionary#13785
has_homomorphism_to#13691Small change to graph_is_strongly_regular#13510
Improve the is_vertex_transitive test#13984Speedup in GenericGraph.relabel() and two new options#14000
Recognition of circulant graphs#14250A certificate for is_forest#14435
Compute the root graph of a graph (inverse line_graph)#13961Update Nauty/Traces to 2.5.rc2#14475
Implement feedback_vertex_set for graphs#14434Adds sage.graphs.base.graph_backend to the doc#14805
Feedback_vertex_set for graphs#14434Graph.is_distance_regular#14619
Rename Graph.trace_faces to Graph.faces#15551Exceptions when multiedges/loops are not supported#15572
immutable=True for__init__ and copy()#15603Pickling of immutable graphs#15619
binary matrices, dense graphs, and is_strongly_regular#14589Teach the graph backend that 'yield' exists in Cython#15715
IndependentSets class#13917Waste of time in g.edges()#15978
Waste of time in iterator_edges 2#16005Stupid waste of time in graphs 1#15704
Graph drawing in javascript using d3.js#14953OA(k,n) strongly regular graphs#16370
Treewidth (lazy implementation)#15181Exact computations for fractional_chromatic_index#16096
Speed improvement for DiGraph.in_degree#17163Graph built from their edges are simple by default#15706
Faster transitive_reduction#17408Bandwidth of a graph#17582
ISGCI update, small graphs and recognition#14396Centrality betweenness in Sage#18137
G.triangles_count speedup#18250DiGraph.centrality_betweeenness#18260
Easier handling of vertex labels in graph backends#18346Export graph to file#18828
Use Sage to compute clustering coefficient#18834Strongly Regular Graphs database#18948
Strongly Regular Graphs from two-weight codes#18960Orthogonal Polar graphs in strongly_regular_graph#18988
Remove the (deprecated) _boundary parameter#17462New non-existence tests for strongly regular graphs#18982
More SRGs using Regular Symmetric Hadamard matric with Constant Diagonal#19018Very careless typoes in strongly_regular_db#19019
Always check output in strongly_regular_graph#19099Three Witt-based strongly regular graphs#19133
Suzuki-related strongly regular graphs#19216Improved Graph.complement()#19301
Refactor Graph.__init__#19381Refactor DiGraph.__init__#19385
A (Di)Graph([V,E]) constructor#19417Update bliss#19483
Wrong results in Graph.treewidth()#19358sage -unzip#19484
Zoom+move a Graph d3js representation#19591

Linear Programming

Feedback vertex set, Feedback arc set#6962
Vertex Coloring, Edge Coloring#6679
Independent Set of Representatives#6764Knapsack#6749
Max Cut#7291Degree constrained subgraph#7294
Orientation of a graph with minimized out-degree#7528LexBFS and is_chordal#7541
Dominating set and Independent dominating Set#7594vertex_cut and edge_cut ( minimum s-t cut )#7599
Vertex cover#7600Graph.edge_connectivity#7601
Graph.vertex_connectivity#7605Computing a H-minor#8404
Add a traveling salesman problem solver#2203Constraint Generation for TSP/Hamiltonian Cycle#10497
Bin Packing (uses Linear Programming)#6763Maximum Average Degree of a graph#7529
Multiway cut#7289Edge-disjoint spanning trees#7476
Steiner Tree#8403Linear Arboricity, Acyclic edge coloring#8748
Multiflow#8870disjoint routed paths#8893
Grundy coloring of a graph#9575Slight improvement to vertex_coloring#9618
topological minor#8894Longest path#9910
Independent set#11846Fractional Chromatic Index#10044
Convex Hulls, Hull number in graphs#11279Setting solver-specific options#10785
More solver options for GLPK#12736Deletion of rows and constants in the objective#12823
a polyhedron() method for LP#14238Optional parameters for Gurobi#14566
Cannot copy() instances of GurobiBackend#12973Add ppl_backend to the documentation#14905
GLPK incorrectly handles zero bounds#14581deprecate the dim argument for MIPVariables#15489
default LP variables will become real#15521A 'nonnegative' argument for .new_variable#16504
Remove the deprecated 'dim' argument of MIP variables#17463Polyhedron.to_linear_program#18815
Approximate LP solving: no exceptions#18995

Graph collection

Kneser Graph#6823Random Bipartite#6828
DeBruijn digraph#7246Toroidal Grid in graph_generators#7536
Create Bipartite Graph according to 2 degree sequences#7590The whole world in a graph#6813
Random Interval Graphs#7487
IntervalGraph generator and a bug in is_chordal#8284CompleteMultipartiteGraph generator#8923
Graph constructor : Graph(edges=[ ... ] )#7709digraphs.RandomDirectedGNM#11099
New embeddings#11399
Balaban 11-Cage#12942
Balaban 12-Cage#12945DoubleStarSnark, Foster's, Gray's, Harries'#12952
Biggs-Smith graph#12971Harries-Wong graph#12980
Ljubljana graph#12981McGee, Tutte12Cage, TutteCoxeter, Wagner#12982
Ellingham-Horton#12989Clebsch, Coxeter, Hoffman#13038
Split graph_generators into several files#13862Schlafli graph constructor#13709
Tournament and directed path constructors#14122Circulant digraphs#14251
Wells graph#14257Sylvester and Sims-Gewirtz graphs#14271
Hypergraph enumeration through Nauty#14474M22 and Cameron graphs#14283
Brouwer-Haemers graph#14514Symplectic graphs#14532
Random tournaments and Tournaments through nauty#14536McLaughlin Graph#14547
Meredith Graph#15044Some topological graphs#15049
Some Snarks#15054The Petersen Family#15893
600-cell, 120-cell#2686Orthogonal Polar Graph#16362
Affine Polar Graphs#14631IntersectionGraph constructor#16526
PerkelGraph#18780Chang graphs#18785
Livingstone graph#18774GossetGraph#18779
Dejter, F26A, Harborth, Klein*, LocalMcLaughlin#18782Truncated Icosidodecahedron#18775
Add a (175,72,20,36)-SRGs (and two others)#18998A (220,84,38,28)-SRG#19180
Two SRG on 243 and 276 vertices#19247swtich OA(k,n)+* strongly regular graphs#19224
A (729,336,153,156)-strongly regular graph#19311A (280, 117, 44, 52)-strongly regular graph#19350
Goethals-Seidel strongly regular graphs#19342A (512, 315, 202, 180)-strongly regular graph#19335
A (729, 448, 277, 272)-strongly regular graph#19353A (625, 468, 353, 342)-strongly regular graph#19344
Polhill graphs on 1024 vertices#19309A (1288,792,476,504)-strongly regular graph#19317
Three new SRGs and db update#19777Janko-Kharaghani strongly regular graphs#19861

Combinatorial Designs

Steiner Triple Systems#8745Cleanup in sage/combinat/design#14499
Steiner Quadruple Systems#14562Projective Plane designs#15107
Latin squares#15286Orthogonal Arrays#15287
Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with k=4#15288Organize the index of the combinat section#16058
Wilson's construction of TD/OA/MOLS#15310Equivalence between OA/TD/MOLS#16231
Product construction of Transversal Designs#16227A missing obvious case for BIBD#16091
Redesign transversal designs#16272Some trivial Orthogonal Arrays (when n=1)#16248
BIBD from Transversal Designs#16279A pair of orthogonal latin squares of order 10#16235
Allow k=None in MOLS/TD/OA#16286MOLS from the Handbook of Combinatorial Designs#16277
Five mutually orthogonal latin squares of order 12#16236New MOLS shared by Ian Wanless#16241
Construction of BIBD with k=5#16323Specify k,n in the exceptions#16388
Faster is_orthogonal_array#16295Helper functions for OA constructions#16391
a cache for OA/TD/MOLS existence#16460MOLS for n=18,57,154,276,298,342#16356
OA(7,66),OA(7,68),OA(8,69),OA(7,74),OA(8,76)#16361OA(18,273), OA(12,474), OA(33,993)#16373
Small speedup for OA(None,p^c)#16430Wilson's constructions of OA with 2 truncated groups#16347
Cheap speedup in the OA recursive constructions#16499New recursive constructions of Orthogonal Arrays#16500
Table of MOLS from the handbook and comparison#16423q-x construction of Orthogonal Arrays#16503
MOLS: Table with n<600 and updated syntax#16582Non existence of some small BIBD#16614 table: 10 000 integers#16541
IncidenceStructure.packing#16709Speedup for OA_from_quasi_difference_matrix#16720
New classes+is_group_divisible_design#16598OA 112,160,176,208,224,352,416,514,544,640,796,896#16604
OA 1046,1059,2164,3992,3994#16662is_difference_matrix#16797
OA 408,600,792,856,1368,2328,...#16665New OA for n=189, plus some others through Vmt vectors#16763
Three factor construction of MOLS#16673OA for n=262,950#16716
Organize the V(m,t) vectors into a dictionary#16757OA(17,560)#16722
Resolvable TD/OA and IncidenceStructure.relabel()#16655Resolvable incomplete orthogonal arrays#16859
New OA for n=189, plus some others through Vmt vectors#16763designs/ auto-generated doc index#16864
Brouwer's separable design construction of OA#16780Merge 520+x OA constructors#16867
difference_matrices module#16846OA for n=205,254,469,520,522,524,1262#16817
Use float("inf") instead of Infinity#16870A real difference matrix has k columns#16868
Wider MOLS table plus better interface#16887Quasi-difference matrices (database+is_QDM)#16884
OA caching in C#16879New user interface for OA and explain_construction(k,n)#17034
Isomorphism of incidence structures#17047IncidenceStructure.relabel() (no arguments)#17104
New V(m,t) vectors#16920Brouwer-Van Rees version of Wilson's decomposition#16559
find_brouwer_van_rees_with_one_truncated_column#16922Isomorphism of incidence structures#17047{1,2,3})#17108iOA with big holes through product of OA#17149
IncidenceStructure.induced_substructure#17577iOA of type OA(k,n)-OA(k,u)-2.OA(k,1)#17594
The trace of a hypergraph#17597resolvable BIBD#17581
Stabilizer of a set of points#17621A GroupDivisibleDesign module with a couple of constructions#17612
Kirkman Triple Systems (end of the construction)#17649SubHypergraphSearch#17309
Automatic guess of the groups in a GDD#17941Improvement in IncidenceStructure.is_connected()#18690
New (v,6,1)-BIBD with v<=201#18934IncidenceStructure.is_uniform, is_regular, complement#18986
IncidenceStructure.coloring#17542HigmanSims design and a new SRG#19184
Some new (n,2^k,1)-BIBD#19221Graph.spanning_trees does not like loops#19277
IncidenceStructure.is_generalized_quadrangle#19279Better interface for hadamard_matrix#19340
Cleaning/Fix in combinat/matrices/hadamard_matrix#19341LinearCode.is_projective#19462


Birkhoff–von Neumann Theorem#7492Huffman Encoding#8765 autogenerated broken links to Wikipedia#8786Update Networkx to 1.2#9567
Fast computation of Stirling numbers of 2nd kind#9663sloane_sequence(111776)[2][:36] != sloane.A111776.list(36)#10025
Little fixes for a major speedup of join/meet matrices for FiniteLatticePoset#12476Cplex needs another symbolic link#11958
A show method for permutations#12872Documentation and list of Graph functions#12816
Documentation of the facade argument in Poset contructor#12961Broken links in the documentation of graph/ files#12810
Some code clean up in paperwork in the graph/ files#13188
Move methods from GenericGraph to Graph#13784No permutation should be created that its methods cannot handle#13742
List of functions in the Permutations file#13750Change the default behaviour of Poset to facade=True#13747
Default parameters for Graph.plot() and show()#13891Some cleanup in sage.combinat.combinat#14138
expose PermutationGroup.all_blocks from GAP#13102Removal of sage.combinat.generator#14355
Orbits of tuples and sets#14291Helpful message if GAP fails to load a package#14483
Old deprecation warnings#14473A proper random_element() method for PerfectMatchings#9890
An Hypergraph class for visualization#14712Mistake in the doc of Steiner Quadruple Systems#14696
Finish cleanup in sage/combinat/design#14950Hypergraph automorphism group#14859
Arrangement of pseudolines#12090Longest common subword#14969
Some cleanup in groups.#15368A codes. object for Sage's codes#15445
WeylGroup and CoxeterGroup to groups.#15435groups.misc.AdditiveCyclic#15369
Check for doc build errors#15727Immutable graph backend for Posets#15623
Files needed in SAGE_ATLAS_LIB#15787Say that LP variables are non-negative#15482
Cartesian Products of additive groups#16269random_element for Words is broken#12867
Default cumulative timings for %crun#16765PermutationGroup.minimal_generating_set#17007
Subsets with hereditary property#16994Improvement to subsets_with_hereditary_property#17042
deprecated_callable_import should change __doc__#17038Adding width() function to poset#17023
Poset.__repr__ should mention the linear extension#17181Poset.dimension#17540
Some cleanup in finance/stock#18355Fix standard_packages, optional_packages, experimental_packages#18407
Deprecate the 'dev' scripts#18403Make new-style packages define their type and dependencies#18431
Make /type file mandatory#18513LatticePoset: add sublattice()#18515
Drop the NetworkX graph backend#18375Update git_trac to the latest commit of the repository#18477
Re-Fix standard_package, optional_packages, experimental_packages#18456Move the planarity files to a spkg#18187
Warning when installing new-style experimental packages#18566Posets: canonical_label() returns a poset from lattice#18516
Test all installed optional packages by default#18558Automatically update new-style optional packages#18647
Add pexpect to SAGERUNTIME#18666Separate the rankwidth library into a standard package#18681
latte_int: count integer points#18812Add a -fix-pkg-checksums argument to sage#18947
a MemoryAllocator object for easier memory management#18868Faster Poyhedron.graph()#18860
Remove useful doctest#18991LatticePoset: add is_planar()#19191
Fallback SAT solver in Sage#19042cython() does not know how to compile c++#19325
Support .zip upstream/ files#19487Rename rings.finite_rings.constructor#19941


Small bug in Graph.plot()#6615bad ReST formatted docstring in 6819#6845
clean up sage/numerical/mip.pyx#7012Adds Linear Programming to the Constructions document#7652
Graph(g) does not keep the embedding !#7733solveGLPK and solve_coin need doctests !!!#7925
documentation bug on new gale_ryser_theorem()#8081Bug when defining a MIPVariable's type#8639
Duplicate version of feedback_arc/vertex_set#8798Many doctests fails since the update of NetworkX !#8892
Create an efficient SUM command#9061Broken docstrings in Travelling Salesman Problem#9230
Broken docstring in binpacking method#9392remove remaining "optional - GLPK" tags on doctests#9432
Wrong LP solver ordering#9570Raise an exception in add_constraint#9579
Error in edge_cut#9852Doctest error in sage/graphs/
Additional test in is_even_hole_free#9930Cliquer does not like empty graphs#10756
Bug in Huffman algorithm#10864edge labels should be unique#11181
replace NetworkX empty dictionaries#11182Rounding values, and inconsistencies in graph methods#11367
Error in MILP documentation#11371copying a linear program crashes Sage#11588
simplify constraints in linear programs#11606Bug in is_chordal#11735
Connectivity of complete graphs#11910Memory leaks with LP Solvers#11917
Update Graph.clique_number to use MILP#11928segfault on Graph().connected_component_containing_vertex('')#11942
Update Graph.clique_maximum to use MILP#11944Bug in topological_sort#11950
Fixes a bug in is_chordal -- two algorithms#11961doctest failure in linear_programming.rst#12019
failing doctest in gale ryser theorem#12022Bug when taking complement of bipartite graph.#12155
Empty graphs and new distance computations#12244Graph chromatic_number documentation#12378
Rounding error in graph coloring#12389Graph.relabel modifies the dictionary given as an input#12477
The LP are not deallocated because of cyclic references !#12616Bug in Graph.girth#12355
Memory leaks with CPLEX#12903Longest path broken for digraphs#13019
Bug in is_isomorphic for multigraphs#13114Bugfix in is_cartesian_poduct#13599
Memory leaks with Cliquer#12905sage.isgci.update_db is broken#13635
Another bug in add_edge#13664Another bug in graph products#13699
Bug in Graph() with loops AND multiple edges#13775Add encofind to
Bug in Graph() when input is a weighted matrix#13919Bug in is_perfect#13546
Bug in line_graph() when the vertices cannot be compared#13787Very bad mistakes in linear_arboricity#14128
Stopgap warning in Poset.relabel#14185Stopgap warning in Graph.modular_decomposition#14173
Bad error management in the CPLEX interface#14195CBC compilation problem#14310
Bug in MixedIntegerLinearProgram.polyhedron#14395Automorphism group with labeled vertices#14319
Bug in DiGraph.longest_path#14412Gurobi is not built because of a typo !#14531
is_circular_planar does not behave as expected#14442Useless memory allocation in subgraph_search#14659
Update optional CBC spkg#14522Vertex connectivity of tournaments#14856
Default embedding of Ljubljana graph#15228is_linear_extension on posets is rather liberal#15313
Cleanup in numerical.knapsack#15414Remove deprecated code from combinat/#15466
Partitions return wrong result for obvious reasons#15467Words.__eq__ returns wrong answers#15480
directed immutable graphs report twice too many edges#15491CBC : undefined symbol: dgetrf_#15442
DegreeSequences(n) returns false positive#15503Static sparse graphs on > 65536 vertices#15507
Finite Words should be proud of their finiteness#15479Memory leak in the interface with Gurobi#15284
Broken links in the doc of graph/ and numerical/#15553Poset.is_chain is wrong#15330 computes too much#15332Immutable graphs must not be relabeled#15622
Integers have no order#15661Error with edges in empty immutable graph#15665
Bug in AffineGeometryDesign#15285Name of immutable graphs#15681
isotopism method uses product of permutations#15439Bug in IncidenceStructure.is_block_design#15664
Immutable directed graphs are directed#15810is_distance_regular is awfully wrong#15864
Remove deprecated code from combinat/#15466Bug in Graph.subdivide_edge#15895
(disjoint) Union of graphs with multiple edges#15627Bug in IncidenceStructure.dual_design#16032
Connected components for immutable digraphs#16019is_hamiltonian: non-simple digraphs#16214
is_hamiltonian: wrong exceptions are caught#16210small bug in G.strong_orientation()#16307
Unnatural syntax of G.relabel()#16257Bug in IncidenceStructure.automorphism_group()#16358
IncidenceStructure.automorphism_group with correct labels#16367clique_with_loops.is_strongly_regular() is True#16433
Deprecate the _boundary parameter#15494IntegerRanger._repr_ now uses ... instead of ..#16525
Deprecate Hypergraph#16622Raise exceptions when database_gap is not installed#16702
IncidenceStructure.__contains__#16727PermutationGroup.blocks_all with correct labels#16730
Bug in automorphism_group when points are pairs#16741trivial bug when building OA(4,12)#16772
Default behaviour of AdditiveAbelianGroup(a_tuple)#16261Graphs, off-by-one check in static sparce backend#17110
Sage is missing one letter#17111Graph(immutable_digraph) raises an error#17156
Error in semi-symmetric graph documentation#17162Bug in explain_construction for Brouwer-van Rees#17253
to_(di)rected and immutable graphs#17005Degrees of looped *immutable* graphs are wrong#17225
Remove useless "copy" arguments and normalize steiner_quadruple_system#17232Poset: change rank dict to rank array#17191
Memory leaks with LP Solvers are back#17320Cleanup subgraphsearch to avoid crashes#17376
Slowness when calling Graph(a_dictionary)#17384creating a (136,4,1)-BIBD raises an exception#17557
deprecate Graph.to_partition and Poset.to_graph#17449Setting .copy(immutable=False) everywhere#17370
edge_cut sometimes returns an incorrect cut#12797Move from_* functions from Partitions to Partitions_all#17648
Subgraph of Hasse Diagram gives error#17683Doctest failure in
Remove (various) deprecated code#17461Stopgap for IntegerListsLex#17637
Wrong result returned by Graph.is_interval#17787Cleanup of sage.graphs.pq_trees#17804
Risk of confusion between LPProblem and MixedIntegerLinearProgram#17867Incorrect decomposition returned by Graph.treewidth#17893
make modular_decomposition an optional spkg#17950Can add vertex to immutable graph once#18149
No lexicographic iterator over finite binary words#18148sage/graphs/ multigraph recognition in init fails#18067
Make centrality_betweenness interruptible#18262Random failure in#
failure in simple_connected_genus_backtracker.__dealloc__#17750Wrong result returned by is_planar on a given embedding#18045
Clean the Graph/DiGraph constructors#18185Compute the degree of a vertex without using networkX#18335
Bug in Gomory-Hu tree algorithm#16475list(ZZ) --> infinite loop#18378
Broken (optional) doctests with bliss#18460Make Graph.sparse6 work on non-integer graphs#18445
CVXOPT should not accept integer variables#18571Rewrite "optional Coin" as "optional cbc"#18559
Skipped doctests in hypergraph and __str__ function#17574
Add a hint in the automatic doctest sig_on_count()#18829Doctest failure in LocalMcLaughlinGraph#18911
Remove three class constructors from designs.#19096Fix name of graph.complement()#19109
Check CPLEXBackend.solver_parameter#19117Polyhedron.delete -> _delete#18814
Avoid a %crun crash#19185Graph.spanning_trees does not like loops#19291
Remove pointers from boost_interface#19564Missing functions in the rest index of function#19596
Less wasteful management of edge labels#19662strongly_regular_graph() crashes when mu=0#19712
Permutation.__init__: negative->


improve Graph?#5911Docstrings for graphs_generators.CubeGraph#7386
Including graph modules in the doc#8513Improving the Graph Theory table of contents#9861
100% coverage in graph directory#10900Some comments in the code of SparseGraph#11046
Graph Theory tour#6774Linear Programming Thematic Tutorial#9836
French translation: A Tour of Sage#7190Sphinx Warning: Missing title for sage.misc.exceptions after 9249#9571
Updated docstring for Graph.cores#11637Making the reference manual's introduction more concise#16452
Removes the Graph Theory constructions pages#16223Sage's doc believes we are in 2011#16551
Cleaning the Graph documentation index#16398Improve the doc of combinat/designs/#16766
Document all options of and Poset.plot#11284Index of poset constructors#17424
Reformat the developer's manual's page about docstrings#17508Rephrase the developer's manual's index#17509
Rephrase 'git the hard way'#17551The reviewer's checklist#17534
Rephrase the 'doctest flags' section#17549Small changes in the developer's manual toc#17589
Remove the dev scripts' documentation#17555Rephrase 'Reporting bugs' of the developer's manual#17545
rephrase "LaTeX formating" and "Writing doctests"#17592Documentation and default of"js")#17646
How to call C code from Sage thematic tutorial#17605Move numerical_sage into thematic_tutorials#17614
Move bordeaux_2008 into thematic_tutorials#17615Cleanup in the thematic tutorials#17616
Rephrase the 'sage manuals' section of the developer manual#17634Pictures in the doc through ".. plot::" directive#17498
Add permutations_cython to the doc#17848Add "indirect doctest" to the list of doctest flags#17868
Rephrase the 'deprecation' section of the developer's manual#17871A tutorial on profiling in Sage#17689
General documentation about graph data structures#18317Emphasize that Graph.subgraph_search ignores edge labels#18296
More meaningful error messages in _check_embedding_validity#17656Explicitly say that arguments to Graph.plot() are forwarded#18646
Cleanup in the 'installation' manual#18405Auto-generated index of functions#18926
Incomplete sentences in the automatically generated documentation#19067Minor typos in 6.8#19023
Auto-generated thematic index of functions#19061Update the documentation of Graph/DiGraph constructors#19390
Index of Permutation Group methods#19901